Do I Have to Sell My Home in a California Divorce?

Dividing marital property can be one of the most challenging aspects of the divorce process. Figuring out what to do with the family home is perhaps the biggest challenge of all. You may find that you want to keep the family home, but your spouse would rather sell it. Do you have to sell the family home if you’re getting a divorce in California? Not necessarily. While selling may be…

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Preparing to Divide Your Marital Assets

When you get a divorce you will be required to make a lot of decisions. You’ll have to decide on a custody arrangement for your children. You’ll have to determine if you or your spouse will receive alimony after the split. Perhaps the most difficult decisions you will have to make will concern the division and assignment of your marital property. When you get divorced you and your spouse will…

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Blake Griffin Files for Paternity of His Kids: What This Means For Him as a Dad

Former LA Clippers star Blake Griffin may be diverting some of his attention from the basketball court to a California family law court in the near future. Griffin is currently embroiled in a legal dispute with his former fiancee over the custody of their two children. Since Griffin and his ex were not married when they had their children, Griffin has petitioned the court to establish paternity. Why Establish Paternity?…

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Six Tips for Getting Through Valentine’s Day During a Divorce

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. If you’ve separated from your spouse or are going through a divorce you may be dreading the Hallmark holiday. At Fernandez Law Group, our divorce attorneys know that the holiday can add to the stress you are under. We’ve compiled a list of suggestions to help you get through this difficult time. Taking control of the day and making positive decisions will help you survive…

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A Modern Family Actress Has Separated From Her Husband: What Does This Mean?

Julie Bowen, who is currently best known for her role as Claire Dunphy on the hit sitcom Modern Family, is having some modern family troubles of her own. It was recently reported that Bowen and her husband, who have been married for 13 years have legally separated. Legal separation is generally the first step spouses will take when their marriage begins to fail. It often initiates the divorce process and…

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How Will the GOP Tax Law Affect Alimony Payments in Los Angeles?

When couples get divorced in Los Angeles, it is not uncommon for the spouse who earns less money to ask for alimony. Alimony, which is often referred to as spousal support, is a form of financial assistance that is paid by one spouse to another. Many times, spouses do not have equal earning capacities. In some cases, one spouse may not even have an income. When the couple gets divorced,…

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Fuller House Actress Required to Pay Child Support

Actress Jodie Sweetin, best known for her role as Stephanie Tanner on Full House and Fuller House, was recently ordered to pay $2,800 a month in child support to her ex-husband. The order was handed down after Sweetin’s husband alleged that she brought in more than $700,000 in income each year. Sweetin filed an Income and Expense Declaration form with the court to dispute this allegation. Her records indicate that…

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Three Real Reasons Couples Get Divorced

Why do once-happily married couples end up getting divorced? Divorce can be a time-consuming, expensive, and stressful process, so couples do not make the decision to split lightly. This means that the reasons for a divorce are generally substantial and significantly affect the happiness, health, and well-being of one or both spouses. As experienced divorce attorneys, we have seen couples get divorced for a variety of reasons. However, some reasons…

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