Ex-NFL Player Asks Court to Annul His Marriage
Erik Kramer, an ex-NFL quarterback, recently asked a Los Angeles court to annul his marriage. He claims that he did not have the mental capacity to consent to the marriage. According to reports, Kramer attempted to take his own life with a gun one evening in 2015. While he survived, he did suffer serious injuries, including brain damage. He argues that he was still recovering from the brain damage when…
Read MoreStudent Loan Debt Is Destroying Marriage Among Young People
A healthy marriage takes a lot of hard work. You have to commit to working with your spouse and try to navigate life’s most difficult times together. Money and finances are often at the root of many marital problems. Unfortunately, young people today are facing more financial pressure than ever before. One of the leading causes of financial stress in young people’s lives is student loan debt. A new study…
Read MoreAngelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Struggle to Finalize Their Divorce
Angelina Jolie filed for divorce in September 2016. Nearly two years later, it does not seem as if Jolie and Pitt are any closer to finalizing their split. In California, divorcing spouses have an obligation to agree on the terms of their split before it can become official. For the past 18 months, the couple has taken painstaking measures to keep the details of their divorce private. Recently, however, the…
Read MoreWho Gets Custody of the Kids While a Divorce is Pending?
Divorce can affect the whole family. This is particularly true if you have children. One requirement of divorce is figuring out who gets custody of the kids, and when. Negotiating custody can take time. What happens during the process of divorce itself? Which parent will the kids stay with while the details of the divorce are being finalized? The answer will depend on you and your spouse. Negotiate Temporary Custody…
Read MoreWhat is Palimony?
California does not recognize common law marriage. This means that the state will not consider you to be married no matter how long you and your partner live together. In order to enjoy the benefits that are extended to married couples, you have to be legally married. There is one major exception to this rule. Since 1976, California has recognized the right of some unmarried partners to receive financial support…
Read MoreHow Are Health Insurance Costs Factored Into Child Support?
When parents get divorced in California, it is often the children who suffer the consequences. In order to make the transition into their new life easier, California courts will refuse to sign off on a divorce until certain matters are taken care of. Child custody and child support are two of the most important issues in a divorce. Custody refers to where children spend their time. Support, on the other…
Read MoreWhat is a Subpoena and How Is It Used in a Divorce?
Legal matters involving family members can be incredibly stressful. The mere fact that a court has to intervene in a family matter to solve a problem is enough to make tensions run high. Some family members may be hesitant to testify, offer information, or give up evidence that is relevant to a dispute. Fortunately, there is a way to require a person to do these things: the subpoena. What is…
Read MoreWhy Do I Have to Pay Child Support If Share 50/50 Custody?
When you get divorced in California you have to make a lot of decisions about your future. If you have children, you’ll be required to make important decisions that will directly affect their lives, as well. Child custody and child support are two primary areas that must be settled before a divorce can be finalized. Custody Decisions in California Divorces California prefers that parents agree to share joint legal and…
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