Subpoena for Child Support

In divorces involving minor children, one party may find themselves on the serving or receiving end of a subpoena in a child support case. No matter which side you are on in the dispute, it’s important to understand the legal demands of a subpoena. A subpoena is a powerful tool. It doesn’t suggest the recipient comply with the demand for information, records, or the recipient’s presence at a hearing, but…

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Does California Require Separation Before Divorce?

Divorce laws vary from state to state. For that reason, many questions arise when a couple decides that divorce in inevitable in their situation. One common question divorcing couples ask is whether or not California family law requires them to separate before a divorce, and whether or not they need a legal separation. The answer to both of these questions is no. However, like most legal questions, the answer is…

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What Will Happen to My Credit Card Points in a Divorce?

California is a community property state. During a divorce, California’s community property law requires a couple to craft a settlement dividing all assets and debts acquired during the marriage equally. If they are unable to negotiate a fair and equal division with the help of their Los Angeles divorce lawyers in order to sign a settlement agreement, then the matter goes to court and an impartial judge divides the marital…

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What Will Happen to My Airmiles in a Divorce?

California’s community property laws demand that all marital assets are divided equally during a divorce. With the complexities involved in dividing a household and what may amount to many years of acquired assets, you might think dividing airmiles is the least of a divorcing couple’s problems; however, the question of what happens to airmiles during a divorce is a surprisingly contentious issue for many divorcing spouses. For people who traveled…

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Can We Agree to an Out-of-Court Settlement in Our California Divorce?

The divorce process is not only an emotionally turbulent time personally for most couples but it also often becomes a lengthy, complex legal process. While some couples decide to separate amicably and in rare cases may remain on friendly terms throughout the negotiation process, the majority of divorcing couples find it difficult to communicate reasonably and without rancor during one of the worst times of their mutual lives. In some…

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Can My Credit Score Be Impacted By a Divorce?

There are many things to consider during the divorce process. Leaving a once-loving partnership behind, feelings of hurt and anger, separating a family, and untangling combined finances into two separate households. In the midst of the emotional upheaval of a divorce, you may consider the impacts of the marriage dissolution on everything from your children’s emotional well-being to your romantic life. But sometimes divorcing couples forget to think about how…

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What is Bifurcation?

Divorce can be an arduous process that becomes more and more complex depending on the number of community assets a couple has to divide as well as child custody and support issues they must resolve. The process may involve many sessions of mediation and time-consuming negotiations to work out an agreement that satisfies both parties and ensures the best interests of the children. California is one of a handful of…

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How Are Rental Properties Divided in a Divorce?

No one enters into a marriage believing it will end in divorce but unfortunately, some married couples decide to end their union for a variety of reasons. While California is one of the states in the U.S. with the lowest divorce rate, divorces still occur throughout California, giving rise to many questions about the division of property and other assets during divorce, including questions about dividing rental properties. How are…

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