Los Angeles Restraining Order Attorney

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Domestic violence is a pervasive issue within Los Angeles, throughout California, and nationwide as it is rooted in inequal power dynamics and tactics of control that can emerge within any relationship, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, or educational background.

It transcends these demographic boundaries because the underlying psychological and behavioral patterns that drive abusers are not confined to any specific group. Factors such as stress, mental health issues, cultural norms, and personal history can contribute to abusive behavior, making it a pervasive problem across diverse communities.

Additionally, societal stigmas and misconceptions about domestic violence can prevent victims from seeking help, further perpetuating its prevalence across all segments of society. It destroys families, scars children, and ruins careers.

For all these reasons and more, our Los Angeles County restraining order attorneys know that speaking out as a victim can be terrifying, as can defending yourself against baseless claims in a courtroom.

At Fernandez Law Group, our experienced Los Angeles restraining order attorneys work with victims of domestic violence and their children and those accused under false pretenses.

Contact our attorneys today to discuss your crucial legal situation.

We are:

  • Compassionate and understanding where sensitive family issues are involved.
  • Successful and determined to win restraining order hearings.
  • Skilled in family and criminal court procedures and laws concerning domestic violence and restraining orders.

Do not wait to call Fernandez Law Group. Protect yourself, your children, and your reputation by learning your legal options with the help of a restraining order lawyer.  

Los Angeles Restraining Order Attorney

Partner with Restraining Order Attorneys in Los Angeles Who Are Ready to Help

Fernandez Law Group restraining order attorneys have the knowledge, skill, and resources to guide you through the restraining order process and judicial system. Our Los Angeles family law lawyers will aggressively advocate for you while relieving you of the legal stress associated with your restraining order.

If you are the victim of domestic violence, Fernandez Law Group will:

  • Assist you in obtaining or extending a temporary restraining order.
  • Ensure your order contains all the restrictions needed to keep you safe.
  • Motion the court if there is a violation of your restraining order.

If a restraining order was wrongfully filed against you, our restraining order attorneys will:

  • Allow you to present your side of the story.
  • Argue your evidence logically and compellingly to the court.
  • Defend you in any permanent restraining order hearing.

At Fernandez Law Group, we will stand beside you throughout restraining order proceedings and tailor a legal strategy to fit your needs. Reach out to our Los Angeles office today to learn more about restraining orders and their outreaching effects.

What is a Domestic Violence Restraining Order in Los Angeles, California?

Domestic violence restraining orders are court orders demanding that the defendant refrain from harming, threatening, or harassing the alleged victim. To get a domestic violence restraining order, no actual physical abuse must be proven. There only needs to be a threat of abuse to the alleged victim or a minor child.

California domestic violence restraining orders are available in cases where the defendant and the alleged victim were at one time or are currently:

  • Domestic partners.
  • Dating.
  • Intimate.
  • Share a child.
  • Share a household.

Domestic violence restraining orders must be followed to ensure the safety and protection of victims from further harm and abuse. These legal orders are designed to create a safe distance between the abuser and the victim, thereby preventing harassment, threats, or physical violence.

Adhering to restraining orders helps maintain the legal boundaries set by the court, offering victims peace of mind and the ability to rebuild their lives without fear. Violating a restraining order is a severe offense and can lead to legal consequences, including arrest, fines, and imprisonment, reinforcing the importance of compliance.

Following these orders is essential not only for the immediate protection of the victim but also for upholding the rule of law and deterring future instances of abuse.

If you need help obtaining, enforcing, or countering the issuance of a restraining order in California, contact our trusted family law attorneys in Los Angeles for help today. We will outline your legal rights and options so you can confidently move forward.

What is Considered Contact for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order in Los Angeles, California?

While the terms and conditions of a restraining order may vary, all include provisions that prevent the defendant from having any contact with the alleged victim. 

Contact is typically:

  • Personal contact.
  • Phone calls, text messages, and e-mails.
  • Interaction on social networking sites.
  • Any surveillance.

There are several other common conditions included in domestic violence restraining orders, with most also requiring a defendant to:

  • Relinquish possession of any firearms.
  • Pay child support.
  • Pay spousal support.
  • Release or return specific property.
  • Move out of the home.
  • Attend a 52-week domestic violence class.

Restraining orders can significantly impact child custody and visitation arrangements by prioritizing the safety and well-being of the children and the protected parent. When a restraining order is in place, the court may impose strict limitations or conditions on the abusive parent’s access to their children to prevent further harm or exposure to domestic violence.

This can include supervised visitation, reduced visitation hours, or, in severe cases, the complete denial of visitation rights. The court’s primary concern is the child’s best interests, which include ensuring a safe and stable environment. Consequently, a restraining order may modify custody agreements, with the protective parent often granted sole or primary custody to safeguard the children’s physical and emotional health.

If you need help obtaining, enforcing, or countering the issuance of a restraining order in California, contact our trusted family law attorneys in Los Angeles for help today. We will outline your legal rights and options so you can confidently move forward.

Does Fernandez & Karney Represent California Clients Who Have Been Wrongfully Accused of Domestic Violence and Issued a Restraining Order?

Californians who have been wrongfully accused of domestic violence and issued a restraining order need a skilled family law attorney to protect their rights, reputation, and legal interests.

Our knowledgeable attorneys can effectively challenge the allegations by gathering and presenting evidence that supports our client’s innocence, such as witness statements, communication records, and alibis.

We can navigate the complex legal procedures to file motions to dismiss or modify the restraining order, ensuring that all legal strategies are thoroughly explored. Additionally, our experienced attorneys can mitigate the potential impact on child custody, visitation rights, and other aspects of our client’s life that might adversely affect the wrongful accusation.

By providing strategic legal counsel and robust representation in court, our dedicated family law attorneys can help clear our clients’ names, restore their rights, and ensure a fair and just legal process. Contact our Los Angeles restraining order lawyers today for help.

Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Be Dismissed?

Dismissal can largely depend on the language in the restraining order. However, a domestic violence restraining order may be dismissed if the charges of the crime giving rise to the order are dismissed.  

A restraining order may also end upon a showing of the following:

  • There is a material change in the facts upon which the order was granted.
  • The law upon which the order was granted has changed.
  • The ends of justice would be served by termination of the order.

For more information about the dismissal of a domestic violence restraining order, contact our Los Angeles restraining order attorneys.

Contact Our Experienced Restraining Order Attorneys in Los Angeles, California

call our los angeles attorney today

If you would like to discuss obtaining, extending, or terminating a domestic violence restraining order, the experienced Los Angeles restraining order lawyers at Fernandez Law Group can help.  We are experienced in restraining order law and its criminal repercussions.   

Call or contact Fernandez Law Group today to learn more about our approach to restraining orders and retaining representation.  You deserve qualified, quality legal counsel.